B A - well, she's a similar case to Himeko - there has been a big spike in her usage rate and a warranted one.She performs really in the current MoC and more of those who pulled her are using her now - though she still requires quite a bit of investment to work as the main carry,
For honor tier list update#
B A - Himeko is slowly climbing the ranking with each tier list update and it's deserved.If you don't have SW, you're basically forced to run Pela on some stages, Not only she cycles faster thus keeping the enemies debuffed all the time, but the current MoC tribulation fits her really well. A S - with the release of the F2P Silver Wolf Light Cone, Pela's much stronger now.Still, Fire Trailblazer is also played as a Bruiser/Breaker and we are looking into that build currently! And sadly, Fire MC isn't strong enough to be the solo defensive support character - his shields are too weak to sustain the team. S A - current seasonal buff, the level 80 cap and the release of Luocha switched the meta from double defensive supports to single defensive support.S A - the reasoning for the drop is the same as for Bailu.Luocha does nearly double the amount of healing than Bailu while at the same time making the team nearly immortal while his field is active - on top of that he can cleanse and dispel. S+ S - with the release of the Luocha, sadly we have to drop Bailu a tier down.